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Sun Life Financial

Loker Purwokerto - Sun Life Financial – a leading international financial services organization, headquartered in Toronto, Canada – and one of the leading insurers in the Indonesian market - is seeking for people with talent, integrity, passion, and ambition to be successful to join our fast growing group of companies. By joining our fast growing group of companies, you will have a lot of opportunities to grow your career in the future.

Sun Life Financial Group strives to provide a simulating workplace environment by recognizing employees’ accomplishments, helping them grow, develop as professionals and giving them tangible encouragement to advance in their career. We open opportunities for our employees to work in many project initiatives, which will provide them with insights of other technical expertise, constructive team work and results orientation of the people involved in the project. Furthermore, employees of Sun Life Financial Group will be exposed to network of people from other countries within the Sun Life Financial’s operation. This will definitely enrich your knowledge of best practices and expand your horizons.

Is Bancassurance Area Purwokerto

Pendidikan min.S1 dari berbagai bidang ilmu
Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang penjualan Asuransi Jiwa lndividu / Bancassurance, atau penjualan di bidang perbankan (penjualan produk Bank)
Bila kandidat IS berpendidikan D3 harus memiliki pengalaman di bidang asuransi min. 1 tahun
Berorientasi pada target penjualan
Memahami bahasa lnggris - Lisan & Tulisan ( Lebih diutamakan )
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor cabang Partner Bank di seluruh wilayah Indonesia (sesuai yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan)

Gaji pokok
Tunjangan Transportasi
Tunjangan Pulsa
Jaminan Asuransi Kesehatan
Trip ke luar negeri - kontes

Kirim lamaran anda kesini

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